Henry Van Dyke once said "Use the talents you possess - for the woods would be a very silent place if no birds sang except for the best. " In this unfathomable network of blogs, ideas and intellectuals, I might be just another tiny speck of dust. But while flexing my brains amidst the heavy books of engineering, science and technology, I do crave for my ideas to be articulated; my thoughts to be delineated. So here's the blogspot rendering me ANOTHER CHANCE............a chance to grow up, a chance to live a new life, a chance to learn and a chance to write.
Introducing myself, I am Avinash Upadhyaya a part-time writer, full-time dreamer and engineering graduate from the Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani (India). I hail from Dhemaji a small remote town in Assam - the north-eastern part of India.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shifting Sands - From the editor's desk

EDITORIAL (published in the first issue of "Shifting Sands" - the official newsletter of MATRIX, BITS Pilani)

Far away from the sophisticated din of life, as the shifting sands of Pilani shape up to create the oasis called BITS. As the complex equations of engineering and technology reverberate across the minds of every BITSian, the Shifting Sands of MATRIX make an attempt to introduce you to a new exciting world. A world where you would be enthralled by books; a world where you would fall in love with movies.

Is it possible? For a busy BITSian always lost in the tumult of tutorials, tests, labs, assignments and comprees to admire, appreciate and analyse books and movies.

Have a look at the Shifting Sands which tries reiterating to the dwellers of this oasis “Go for a change.”

MATRIX has always made an attempt to approach the BITSians and urge them to engulf themselves in this labyrinth of art and literature. The numerous book-reviews, movie screenings, quizzes and workshops organised by this club have proved successful in bringing about this culture.

Shifting Sands is another small endeavour by this club that can help some more people to realise the prowess and beauty of this exciting world. Contributions in the form of book-reviews, movie-reviews or other relevant articles are invited from the BITSian junta for the forthcoming issues of this newsletter. The best contributions will find a berth in the pages of this newsletter and the contributors will be handsomely rewarded for their efforts.

Hoping that the Shifting Sands help in refreshing minds for a while as the busy and stressed BITSians try to look beyond their heavy books of science, technology and engineering.

Avinash Upadhyaya

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